

I love to daydream about my future office. Some day when we get a house, I plan on creating a functional, inspiring space where I can spread my supplies out and get really organized. Currently, all of the stuff for my shop (boxes, paper cutters, product, letterpress, tools, supplies, computer, etc.) are all squished in the corner of our living room. It's not horrible - I'm able to work while spending time with the hubbs and I can keep tabs on Chester (that rascal) during the day. It's not really that I'm wanting more privacy, I would just like to have enough physical space for each item to have a place. Right now, I don't feel like I'm as efficient as I could be because I'm always having to dig and shuffle around when I need to ship something out/photograph products/etc.

currently craving: an office of my own (via Holly Would)

Like I said, I don't hate it but a little stretching room would be oh-so-nice. If I had to create my ultimate dream office it would be something like....

currently craving: an office of my own (via Holly Would)

YESSS. Dream Office would have a desk for my computer & printer PLUS a table for product shoots, crafting, and shipping. It would have a wall of storage because I'm a clutterphobe. Big ol' paper drawers would be nice for storing my inventory and keeping everything covered up. And I think we can all agree that we're happiest in rooms with a lot of light (which is something that I do actually have now with the wall of windows in front of my desk).

What qualities would your dream office have?

Image sources (clockwise): 1  |  2  |  3  |  4

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