


I've always been a bit of a worrier. Okay, a big time worrier. Deep down, I always know that everything is going to be okay - my worrying isn't a conscious decision. I just seem to have a nagging, anxious feeling a lot, despite being a fairly positive person. Do any of you feel the same way? 

My greatest worries usually involve the opinions of others, which I hate! Then, the other big worries of mine are usually career focused (Am I making the right decisions? Am I wasting time?) or worries that stem from insecurity, which I think many women deal with (Will my partner get bored with me? Am I pretty enough? ), etc.

a song about worries...even John Mayer gets anxious sometimes!

The best way that I know to deal with worry is to talk about it. Telling someone how I'm feeling and getting their perspective always makes me feel better. Usually, you will be reassured that everything is okay and that in the scheme of things, you've got nothing to worry about at all!

Wes prefers to write down how he is feeling. For him, seeing a list of options for dealing with the situation helps to calm him down.

If you care to share, I'd love to know...

What are your biggest worries, and how do you deal with them?

PS. Some good advice from a fellow blogger & worrier and a test to see if you worry too much,

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